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This week wasn't as awesome as last week because Rayna called us and said she didn't want to get baptized... she said she has too much going on and can't give up smoking and coffee.... I was devastated... and we haven't been able to get in contact with her since that phone call. I just want to meet with her again and let her know that we are here to help her come closer to our Savior and we love her. Of course we want her to get baptized but more than anything I want to help her. So if she gets baptized or not, I just want to help... On the phone it seemed like she was afraid she was letting us down. I hope we can get in contact with her. Her daughter Staicia still wants to get baptized but since we haven't been able to talk to Rayna we also haven't been able to talk to Staicia.
This week was transfers and Sister Tinker is still my companion and I'm staying in Burley. Its nice not being the newest of the new anymore haha
Joe Mabey has been working really hard to quit smoking so he can get baptized. We have been sending him daily scriptures and reminders so he can focus on his goal. Our lesson went really well this week with them. He shared his testimony and he is excited to get baptized but is still struggling. I know he can do it and we are so excited for him! Oh and guess what... so he's been working so hard and then on Saturday they got in an accident... destroyed their car and gosh... Its just like, one thing after another... but we've been praying and I know our prayers are being answered! :)
The Eddings came to church this week! They looked so good! They had some fresh new church clothes on haha They looked sharp :) It was so awesome to see them and to sit by them! Brother Eddings is so excited to get baptized and he has the sweetest heart. He cried when he shook our hands and said, "Thank you." I love him!! :) He also wanted to move his baptism date up, so he is going to get baptized on May 17th!
Something really really sad happened this week... a part member family we've been trying to teach... their baby was born with a hole in his heart and hasn't been growing... on Friday morning the baby died... I can't imagine losing a child. We visited the family and shared a scripture and said a prayer... they're heart broken... We've been praying every night for them and man, I just want to help... the husband wanted nothing to do with us before their baby died but yesterday when we visited them, he came into the room and at least said hello... Man... It is so sad... they're good people and no one deserves that...
Well, thats my week... can't really think of anything else to say :) I love and miss you guys! I hope you are all doing awesome! I'm soooo excited to skype with you Mom on Mothers Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Sister Coats
(Staicia, Me, & Kalli) We were invited to dinner with the Activity Day girls :)
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