Monday, August 31, 2015

July 15 Move Forward Soldier!

FAY WENT TO THE TEMPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for her! Oh! How I love her! When I got a text from the Teicherts, I just wanted to ditch all missionary life and go with them haha I sure do love and miss my Mackay family! I wanted to be there so bad but thats okay, I'm coming back after my mission to go with her. She went to the temple! Fay, know I love you and I am so happy for you. I know the temple and those covenants you made, will bless you and protect you now and for eternity. <3

I sure do love my mission president and his wife, President and Sister Curtis. They have helped me so much this week. Their encouraging words and loving council was something I desperately needed. I have been studying the Christlike attribute of Virtue. As I've been studying and setting goals on how I can more fully acquire virtue, I've had a stronger desire to repent, or in other words, change. President and Sister Curtis are helping me make that change, change to become who I want to be. I want to be the daughter Heavenly Father wants me to be because it makes me happy! I am learning how to more fully access the atonement. Alma 12:34 "Therefore, whosoever repenteth, and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins; and these shall enter into my rest."

Praying for a change of heart, a change of thought and behavior, has brought me closer to the Lord. As I repent (change) I gain a deeper understanding of the Atonement. Why do I let myself droop in sin? When I can turn to the Lord and be set free! Why do I chose to be sad when I can choose to be happy! It amazes me that Christ suffered all so that I could be relieved from my suffering. He suffered so I could be forgiven and set free. I felt that freedom as I prayed last night.I prayed to feel the peace of the atonement, and I felt it. I felt the rest, the peace, and the comfort of knowing that I have been forgiven and He remembers the sin no more. I am learning to not only use the Atonement of Jesus Christ but to trust in it. To trust that when I am forgiven, I AM FORGIVEN. No need to look back. I need to move forward. Move forward in faith and trust. <3 He lives to bless me with His love. He lives to plead for me above... He lives to silence all my fears. He lives to wipe away my tears. He lives, my Savior, still the same. Oh sweet the Joy this sentence gives: "I know that my Redeemer lives!" <3 (Hymn 136)

It is far more important to care what God thinks than what man thinks. I had to call President about something and I was terrified to do it because I didn't want to get a friend in trouble but it wasn't right what was going on... So I prayed for guidance concerning the situation. After my prayer I opened my scriptures, they fell open to 2 Timothy 2. And then guess what! As I read this chapter I grabbed a letter I received from a hero of mine. This letter and this chapter talked about the same thing, being a soldier for Jesus Christ. It was kind of crazy because it was exactly what I needed right at that moment. I needed to be reminded that I am a soldier for Jesus Christ and how can I be a soldier for Jesus Christ if I'm not willing to stand up for what is right? Stand up and be strong. I am a soldier of Jesus Christ! I know I am and I always will be, and as His soldier I will go through hard things, thats what soldiers do. They don't just sit back, no way, they come to the front lines ready to battle.  2 Timothy 2:3-4 "Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." 
I am the Lord's soldier and I always will be. I will not entangle myself with with things of this life. (including putting friendships before my Heavenly Father. I'd rather be friends with my Heavenly Father then worry if I'm friends with someone else.) I desire to honor Him who has chosen me to be His soldier. I will always fight for Him. I am honored to be His soldier. I know I am on the winning side. :)

We painted the Jerome (Or as Sister Teichert would say, Jeremy! Haha) Fair Grounds. We finished early and with nothing to do, we saw guys in uniforms going into some building, we decided to follow. We found out it was a small national guard training facility. We asked for a tour and we got our own personal tour! We even tried MRE's, which were hecka nasty, haha They tried to recruit us and we tried to recruit them haha ;) It was way awesome though how this gave us an opportunity to teach the gospel in an interesting way. We were in front of a whole group of guys and they asked us what we were doing. We testified of our calling as missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. One of the men asked, "You are women in that church? Don't men just push the women aside in that church?" In front of this whole group of army men, we testifried of the priesthood power, the power and authority from God to act in His name. That women and men are equal and our differing roles are equally important. I know that the priesthood is given to bless the lives of all of God's children. ALL of them and because the priesthood has been restored we can be sealed as families for all time and eternity. It was powerful and Sister McCallum's testimony of receiving blessings from her father sealed the deal. These tough rugged looking men, were quiet and open. I don't think they would've listened to us if it weren't for our craziness to go in there and be goofballs by asking them what their life is all about. It was a cool opportunity that I've never before had, to testify to that many men who had never talked to missionaries before, who at first were super intimidating but hey, the spirit took over. :) They may think we are crazy, which we are haha, but I know they will remember the spirit that was felt. ~ Funny Side note, Bishop came into the building and was like our personal body guard. Awkwardly funny. He escorted us back to the picnic.

Have a great week everyone!
Sister Coats

PS: Contacting referrals this week was an experience. We invited a guy to learn more, he said yes, his girlfriend was not happy. I smiled and waved at her. She then waved back with her middle finger extended. :0 Haha!

Roman and us. 

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